Fully Tailored Penetration Testing.

Want to protect your company from bad actors looking to cause reputation damage, financial theft and denial of business? Our cybersecurity experts are here to help.

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How We Pentest

We craft solutions by combining human ethical hackers and automated machine tooling, providing you with a comprehensive tailored service.

During pentesting, our experienced security experts subject your IT systems and networks to a thorough review. In a short span, they employ the same tactics as professional cyber criminals to uncover vulnerabilities.

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Very real and very useful information in detailed customised reports.
We will walk you through the findings, explaining in plain language what the risk is, and re-test, for free so that you can mitigate your security risks. We then help you understand wider cybersecurity governance and risk programs with Security and DevSecOps consultants who work together to really reduce your chances of being hacked.

The real edge? Our penetration testers are experts in attack tactics and use their insider knowledge to uncover how current security measures can be bypassed.
What you’ll get back is real information in detailed customised reports you can use to mitigate your security risk.

We will walk you through the findings and explain in plain language what the risk is, and re-test, for free — any fixes you make to your top exploits so you know for sure, the exploit is closed.

We then help you understand wider cybersecurity governance and risk programs with CISO and DevSecOps consultants who work together to really reduce your chances of being hacked.

All of our pen testing team are certified specialists, and many of our senior staff are published experts.

Our Pentesting expertise

Application Pentesting

Application Penetration Testing is an exploratory testing practice that simulates cyberattacks from malicious actors who are trying to exploit your systems for theft or reputation loss. Our methodology is based around simulating real-world attack techniques that are used by criminal hackers themselves. We use our expertise to perform reconnaissance on target sites using a variety of scanning tools for static and dynamic analysis. This results in a landscape of intelligence data that points to attack vectors that can be used for intrusion attempts in your systems. The degree of risk that we find with each attack vector is explained in detail in a final report at the end of our testing engagement.

Mobile Pentesting     

Mobile penetration testing is specific to applications that run on Android and iOS devices. The runtime model that mobile devices use make them particular susceptible to attack techniques by criminal hackers looking to steal data from end users. spriteCloud cybersecurity specialists will use a variety of testing techniques across static and dynamic analysis of application code, network traffic interception and local data storage security as well as looking at your authentication and authorisation models. Our lead Security Engineer is a published author in this domain and brings a decade of experience in this realm.

Network Pentesting

Network penetration testing is an activity specifically targeting your public infrastructure for security weaknesses. When you consider malicious viruses and ransomware attacks will be made behind your firewall, it is imperative to verify your front line defenses are working correctly. spriteCloud ethical hackers are skilled at all types of network pentesting techniques that include Network Mapping, Port Scanning, Protocol Analysis and Intrusion Detection in firewall systems. We use a hybrid approach of automated and human-exploratory testing to deep dive into your network to catch vulnerabilities that malicious actors can exploit.

API Pentesting             

API security testing is one of the most important areas of concern for good cybersecurity. Bad APIs are an attack vector that a bad actor can exploit to give them direct access to all of your most sensitive IP and customer data. Most companies have hundreds to thousands of APIs directly accessible to the public, which represents a huge security risk. spriteCloud are skilled cybersecurity hackers experienced in techniques that test your API input handling, authentication and authorisation models, error handling, and encryption effectiveness, to name a few. Our lead ethical hacker is a published author in the field of API Fuzz testing, so you know you are getting a testing service by leading practitioners.

Cloud Configuration 
Security Review            

In recent years, there has been a massive migration of commercial application hosting to cloud environments. Hosting your commercial network and applications on cloud environments can be high risk due to poor configuration control. spriteCloud ethical cybersecurity engineers are specialists in Identity and Access Management (IAM) reviews, Network Security Assessments, Data Encryption Verification, Configuration Benchmarking, and Logging and Monitoring assessments. We can help you refine your cloud configuration settings to ensure you optimise your public-facing security.

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Common Questions
About Penetration Testing

Two people discussing something while watching the computer

What exactly is penetration testing?

What is the difference between penetration testing and vulnerability assessment?

How long does a penetration test usually take?

Still have questions about our Pen Testing services that we can help with?
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