Fully Tailored Penetration Testing.

We offer all manner of testing and quality assurance options and are happy to tailor to your requirements. Below you’ll find our more popular services.

Talk To Our Team
How We Pentest

We craft solutions by combining human ethical hackers and automated machine tooling, providing you with a comprehensive tailored service.

During pen testing, our experienced security experts subject your IT systems and networks to a thorough review. In a short span, they employ the same tactics as professional cyber criminals to uncover vulnerabilities.

Talk To Our Team
Very real and very useful information in detailed customised reports.
We will walk you through the findings, explaining in plain language what the risk is, and re-test, for free so that you can mitigate your security risks. We then help you understand wider cybersecurity governance and risk programs with CISO and DevSecOps consultants who work together to really reduce your chances of being hacked.

The real edge? Our penetration testers are experts in attack tactics and use their insider knowledge to uncover how current security measures can be bypassed.
What you’ll get back is real information in detailed customised reports you can use to mitigate your security risk.

We will walk you through the findings and explain in plain language what the risk is, and re-test, for free — any fixes you make to your top exploits so you know for sure, the exploit is closed.

We then help you understand wider cybersecurity governance and risk programs with CISO and DevSecOps consultants who work together to really reduce your chances of being hacked.

All of our pen testing team are certified specialists, and many of our senior staff are published experts.

The Benefits of Pen Testing

Identifying Vulnerabilities

Pen testing helps identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses within your software development systems, networks, and applications. By simulating real-world attacks, pen testers actively search for security loopholes that could be exploited by malicious actors. This enables you to proactively address vulnerabilities before they are discovered and exploited by cybercriminals.

Assessing Security Controls

Pen testing allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your security controls and measures. By conducting controlled attacks, pen testers assess whether existing security mechanisms such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access controls are properly configured and capable of detecting and preventing unauthorised access.

Enhancing Incident Response

Pen testing exercises help you improve your incident response capabilities. By simulating realistic attack scenarios, you can test your incident detection and response mechanisms, allowing you to identify weaknesses in your response procedures, fine-tune incident handling processes, and strengthen your overall security posture.

Meeting Compliance Requirements

Many industries and regulatory frameworks require organisations to conduct regular security assessments, including penetration testing. By performing pen tests, you can fulfil compliance obligations and demonstrate your commitment to maintaining a secure environment for sensitive data, ensuring you meet the necessary security standards and industry regulations.

Building Customer Trust

Demonstrating a proactive approach to security through pen testing can help you build trust with your customers. By regularly testing and identifying vulnerabilities, you can show your dedication to protecting customer data and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your systems. This fosters confidence and strengthens your reputation in the eyes of clients and stakeholders.

Common Questions
About Penetration Testing

Two people discussing something while watching the computer

What exactly is penetration testing?

What is the difference between penetration testing and vulnerability assessment?

How long does a penetration test usually take?

Still have questions about our Pen Testing services that we can help with?
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